Monday, January 5, 2009

Oversized Custom Doorkeeper

One of the more enjoyable aspects to my job here at P. Graham Dunn is to see all the custom projects that go through our shop. About 3 months ago, a customer of ours had us make a doorkeeper about 4 times the size of our stock product. It was such a simple adjustment to our regular item, yet we had a lot of comments about that piece as it went through production. Paul Dunn, my brother-in-law and head of our design department, decided to make a few extra to put in our Factory Outlet room in Dalton. Since then, all of the extra doorkeepers have sold, and at least two more customers stopped in to get their own over sized doorkeeper with a custom design. I have posted a couple of pics of one of those doorkeepers that can be found at the Seville United Methodist Church in Ohio.

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